Need to increase your Facebook followers and social media connections? Unfortunately it does take a bit of work, but once you get set up and develop a routine, it’s pretty simple! Here are some quick tips. Be sure to check back for Part 2!
- Connect or follow friends and clients from your personal profile. Spend 10 minutes a day sending friend requests or connecting. Be sure to make personal posts to stay connected.
Facebook tip: Invite friends to like your business or organization page directly from your Facebook page.
- Send out a professional monthly email and include your social media links.
Facebook tip: Add an email signup form to your Facebook page. This is especially important if your social media objective is to build your email list! (You may also add a button at the top of your page that lets people email you directly. Emails are not automatically added to your email list, but you can add them to your email system manually if you have permission to send them email. Always ask first!)
- Advertise to a targeted audience for a fixed amount per month. This will greatly increase the number of people reached through your social media page.
Facebook tip: Facebook continues to make it difficult to reach followers of your own page without spending money on advertising. The most simple way to advertise on Facebook is to boost a post, or you can create a more robust ad campaign with different images or videos.
- Ask clients for testimonials, and remind them they can give you reviews/recommendations on Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Yelp, etc. whatever their preference is.
Tip: Specify that you may also use their words on your Website and other marketing materials.
- Ask people that call, email or come to your location to follow you on social media. (“A great way to stay in touch with us is to follow us on Facebook…”)
Note: Never give an incentive or bribe for reviews or to connect. Bribes are considered unethical and poor business practice. In addition, it can potentially cause harm to your business and online accounts.
Remember, it’s quality not quantity with social media and Facebook followers that counts. It’s better to have fewer followers that are engaged, than many followers that are not.
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Another Small Business Internet Marketing Blog by Tina Reed Johnson